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Agreement for care/vaccination

Disagreement for care/vaccination

Agreement for care of a child 15years or older

Registration form

Individual care program – CHILD FRIENDLY

CHILD FRIENDLY PROGRAM:  For our clients we offer greater care, not only what is reimbursed by the insurance company.

1. Pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in the clinic with a playroom for children.
2. Possibility to schedule a visit on off hours.
3. Non urgent short, informative consultation by email, information about laboratory results.
4. Sending requested prescription and validations by email or mail.
5. Painful intrusive practises will be done with a local anaesthetic and sugar syrup.
6. Optional vaccines available directly in the office.
7. Reservation and scheduling of plan visits through an online calendar.
8. Invitations to educational programs and seminars on nutrition and preventive care.
10. Preferential use of in house laboratory equipment and testing systems to gain results in the clinic as soon as possible –  available in house laboratory testing equipment such as transcutaneous bilirubin measurements, examination by urinary analyzer, capillary hemoglobin and hematocrit, otoscopic ear examination, examination of pulse oximetry (excluding capillary KO with diff. and Strep A test) .  Treatment with Bioptron lamp., Dexcom gly measurement, Otoskop with video. Some   of them are covered by insurance compony newly.

Vaccines and reference to wrapper information :

rotavirus infection: Rotarix a Rotareq

pneumococcus infection: Synflorix a Prevenar 13

hexavaccine  – difteria, tetanus, pertussis, heamophilus inf B, hepatitis B, polio : Infanrix Hexa and Hexacima

measles, mumps, varicella; Priorix and varicella Priorix – Tetra

varicella; Varilrix

diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis: Infanrix, Boostrix  child polio Boostrix – Polio

HPV: Cervarix and Silgard

meningococci infection: Neisvac C, Nimenrix, Menveo , Bexsero

encephalitis FSME, Encepur

hepatitus type A: Havrix, Avaxim

flu: Vaxigrip