S ohledem na velké množství dětských pacientů, kteří denně vyžadují naši akutní intervenci vás důrazně žádám, abyste velmi vážně zvažovali nutnost okamžitého ošetření v ordinaci lékařem. Při symptomech jako je rýma, pokašlávání, nauzea, průjem apod. vždy nechte dítě v domácí péči a v klidu, sledujte symptomy. Lékaře, resp. recepci kontaktujte, když se stav nezlepšuje, nebo se obáváte vážnějších potíží.
Zároveň vás chci informovat, že všechny formy potvrzení, certifikátů apod. nevydáváme na počkání. Potvrzení, není jenom razítko, lékař tím bere plnou zodpovědnost za to, co potvrzuje, a to vyžaduje náhled do kompletní zdravotní dokumentace a tedy čas. Naši zdravotníci za tímto účelem pracují mimo běžné ordinační hodiny, a i o víkendech. Na běžná potvrzení máme týden, na výpisy ze zdravotní dokumentace 30 dní. Akutní požadavek potvrzení bude dneškem zpoplatněn se 100 % příplatkem.
Dotazy na výsledky laboratorních vyšetření vyžadují trpělivost z vaší strany. Laboratoř rozesílá výsledky do týdne, speciální vyšetření i za 2 týdny. Tady bych ráda upozornila, že kompletní výsledky laboratorních testů neodesíláme. Ideální je kontrola rodiče s pacientem v ambulanci
a s hodnocením krevních testů. Všichni pacienti s Programem péče nad rámec hrazených pojišťovnou dostanou výsledky s komentářem lékaře, když to stav vyžaduje. Lékaři tak činí v čase mimo ordinační hodiny a o víkendech. V ordinačních hodinách se věnují osobně přítomným pacientům a v rámci možnosti vyřizují telefonické konzultace.
Important! In view of the large number of paediatric patients who require our acute intervention on a daily basis, I strongly urge you to consider very seriously the need for immediate treatment in a doctor’s office. For symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, nausea, diarrhea, etc., always leave your child in home care and monitor symptoms calmly. Contact the doctor or reception if the condition does not improve or if you are worried about more serious problems.
I would also like to inform you that we do not issue all forms of certificates, certificates etc. on the spot. A certificate is not just a rubber stamp, the doctor takes full responsibility for what he/she certifies and this requires a review of the complete medical records and therefore time. To this end, our medical professionals work outside normal office hours, and even on weekends. We have a week for routine certificates, and 30 days for medical records extracts. Acute requests for certificates will be charged today with a 100% surcharge.
Enquiries about laboratory results require patience on your part. The laboratory sends out results within a week, special tests even in 2 weeks. I would like to point out here that we do not send out complete lab test results. Ideally, the parent should check in with the patient in the outpatient clinic and have the blood tests evaluated. All patients with a Program of Care beyond what is covered by insurance will receive results with physician commentary when the condition requires it. Physicians do this during non-office hours and on weekends. During office hours, they attend to patients present in person and, to the extent possible, handle telephone.
Dear clients,
We thank you for your confidence.
If you would be interested in registering your children with us, we would like to inform you that our capacities are full. More information in our office. We can inform you about suitable appointment for complex incoming checkup controll. Email correspondence, appointments through an online reservation system and pre-payment for clinic and lab services will allow us to save overall time during the execution of our evaluation and services while still upholding a high level of service even when the number of patients seeking care grows. Payments for any services are only those which are not covered by standard insurance coverage and Bonus programs.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you in our clinic.
Child Friendly is:
- A Pleasant atmosphere in a new clinic with a play area for children.
- Evaluation and care in nonstandard hours such as afternoons or evenings, or by previous agreement outside standard operating hours.
- Non urgent communication via email, results from tests, evaluation and diagnosis by email.
- Submission of required validation and prescriptions by standard mail or email.
- Painful intrusive practices will be done with a local anaesthetic and sugar syrup.
- Optional vaccinations performed on premises in the clinic.
- Reservation and scheduling of plan visits through an online calendar.
- Invitations to educational programs and seminars on nutrition and preventive care.
- All health documentation executed and stored electronically.
- Preferential use of in house laboratory equipment and testing systems to gain diagnostic results in the clinic as soon as possible – available in house laboratory testing equipment such as transcutaneous bilirubin measurements, examination by urinary analyzer, capillary hemoglobin and hematocrit, otoscopic ear examination, examination of pulse oximetry (excluding capillary KO with diff. and Strep A test) . Treatment with BIOBTRON LAMP. DEXCOM gly measurement, OTOSKOP with video.